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Students Recognized - 2014 NSF ATE PI Conference

ATE Student/Alumni Recognition Breakfast

Students from from four Connecticut Community Colleges were recognized by the ATE for their dedication and accomplishments not only in the classroom, but also in programs and activities outside the classroom that will only build their skills and knowledge on their journey towards a STEM career. There are over 60,000 students involved in ATE programs and only 61 were chosen for the award.

Congratulations to:

Joseph Ancona — Gateway Community College

Claudia Dufour — Quinebaug Valley Community College

Chad Whitney — Central Connecticut State University/Manchester Community College

Chris LaBranche — Asnuntuck Communicty College

Immediately following, students were invited to participate in an Industry “Speed Networking” Session. This speed networking session was designed to facilitate introductions between business/industry representatives and student participants. This session afforded student participants the opportunity to meet accomplished business professionals from a variety of backgrounds and companies. It was an enjoyable, fast-paced, and informative experience and students were given an opportunity to learn and practice interview and communication skills.

Student Showcase

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Chad Whitney, Joseph Ancona, Claudia Dufour participated in the student showcase later Thursday evening. This student display contained information on the Mechanical Engineering Technologies & Manufacturing Engineering Technologies (MET2) Program, an NSF funded ATE program, and projects derived from that Program involving an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle rapid pro typing through the use of SolidWorks and 3D printer model design; and the development of a Safety Harness Alert System for the construction industry.

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Joseph Ancona discussing the project he worked on, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, with a conference attendee.

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Claudia Dufour discussing the project she worked on, a Safety Harness Alert System, with several conference attendees.

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© 2024 Mechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technologies (MET²) Program. All rights reserved.


The Mechanical Engineering Technology & Manufacturing Engineering Technologies (MET²) is supported by the NSF ATE Program Grant, award number 1400610. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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